£1 Million Bingo Month


Betfair Bingo has really upped the ante this September with a brand new online bingo promotion called £1 Million Bingo. Taking part is easy and it gives you a great chance of winning a share of some of the big jackpots on offer.

How Do I Take Part?
Firstly you have to have a Betfair Bingo account. If you don’t then you can join know. Signing up is very easy and only takes a few minutes of your time. You can also take advantage of the great New Customer welcome bonus that’s on offer. Just make sure you are 18 years or older!

When Can I Qualify?
All you have to do to qualify for the promotion is play in the Big Wheel bingo room between 12:00 and 23:59 daily, during the promo period. Purchase at least one bingo ticket to play for the increased prizes. You will also qualify for a share of the Everyone Wins pot.

When Is The Promotion On?
It’s on every single day until 30th September 2018.

What can I win?
There are enhanced bingo prizes totalling £1,000 per game after 12pm. And there are plenty of games to choose from with 32 games on Sundays to Thursdays and 36 games on Fridays & Saturdays.

You will also win a share of the Everyone Wins pot of £500 if you haven’t won any of the Full House, 2 Lines or 1 Line prizes and have bought minimum 1 ticket in the game. Your share of the pot will be defined by number of tickets you have bought.

The total number of games will be 1,000 and the total prize amount will be £1,000,000 throughout the month.