Autumn Windfall At Bet365 Bingo


While I can’t believe it’s actually Autumn and our beautifully warm Summer is now over, there is some good news. New online bingo promotions!!! Yes, bingo sites up and down the land are tripping over themselves to come out with fabulous new offerings and the latest is Autumn Windfall from Bet365 Bingo.

What Is The Promotion?
Autumn Windfall combines both our love of bingo and slots buy letting you earn tickets on both. Collect your tickets and you get to play in the weekly Autumn Windfall Finale Games.

When Is It On?
The promotion runs until September 30th 2018 and the weekly finale games are held every Sunday until then. There are 10 finale games from 8pm (UK time) every Sunday.

What Can I Win?
I’m glad you asked. When you take part in the Bet365 Bingo promotion you could win a share of £1000 every Sunday. That’s £4,000 in total up for grabs.

How Do I Enter?
Entering is easy. All you have to do is play in the Ticket To Ride Room or on the Autumn Gold slot to earn tickets. You earn tickets for every win in the bingo room and for every £5 you stake on the Autumn Gold slot.

How Much Will It Cost Me?
That completely depends on how much you want to spend. There is a minimum spend of £5 on the slot to earn each ticket and the Ticket To Ride bingo room tickets start for as little as 5p each.

Of course you also have to have a Bet365 Bingo account so make sure you’ve got that covered first. If you don’t then sign up now. Registration is very easy and only takes a few minutes!