Under The Hammer At Jackpotjoy


It’s November which means a slew of brand new online bingo promotions from all of your favourite sites. Gone are the pumpkins and bobbing apples and instead we have our first offer from Jackpotjoy. It’s called Under The Hammer and it’s giving you an amazing opportunity to snag a bundle of tech goodies right in time for Christmas.

What Is Under The Hammer?
Under The Hammer is an auction style promotion at Jackpotjoy. All you have to do is send in your lowest bid for their tech bundles and if no one else matches it, it’s yours! Each week there is a different bundle to bid on so you have multiple chances to win the goodies.

How Do I Take Part?
Firstly, you have to have a Jackpotjoy account. If you already have one then just go ahead and stick a bid in. If you don’t, then you can open one today and delve straight into the promotion. Log-in to your account and go to the promotion. One the page there is a box for you to input your bid. Click ‘Bid Now’ and you’re done! You must also wager £10 on bingo or slots games within the week of your bid.

How Long Is Under The Hammer Available?
This is a weekly promotion that lasts until December 2nd. You can enter at any point during the week of the promotion.

One of the really great things about this particular offer is that if you win, you don’t actually have to pay for the bundle. You just have to have submitted the lowest unique bid, be a Jackpotjoy customer and have spent a minimum of £10 on bingo or slots games on the site during the week.

Here’s a tip. I’m fairly certain that a LOT of people will submit 1p as a bid. It may be low, but it won’t be unique so try for something more imaginative!