Santa’s Doors At Jackpotjoy


With less than two weeks to go until Christmas Day, all of your favourite bingo sites are piling the offers and promotions up high. Jackpotjoy have plenty in store for customers including Santa’s Doors. This promotion runs until December 25th so still plenty of chances to take part.

What Is Under Santa’s Doors?
Every day until December 25th you can go on the Jackpotjoy and open an advent calendar door. Behind that door is the prize of the day and they have ten of them to giveaway.

How Do I Take Part?
After you have clicked on the relevant door, and opted in, just spend £5 anywhere on the site, on the same day, and you automatically get entered into the prize draw for that day. For every day that you enter, you also get a Grand Prize Draw raffle ticket. Once all of the days are over, one lucky winner will one of everything that was up for grabs through out the month.

What Can I Win?
Every day there is a different prize on offer. Think TV’s, cameras, food hampers, iPads, Nintendo’s etc… There are 10 of each up for grabs. And then one person will one of everything in a mega bundle.

Some of the doors have bingo offers behind them. That means you get exclusive access to bingo games and deals that have guaranteed jackpots.

Of course you have to be a Jackpotjoy customer to take part in Santa’s Doors so if you don’t have an account you can sign up now. There’s a new customer welcome bonus and plenty on offer. It’s a terrific bingo site but also has a tonne of slot games to keep you entertained.